India Go Green

Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction:

The India Go Green website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”) is a dummy page created for testing purposes only. The prize and tree-planting initiatives mentioned on the website are not real, and no actual transactions or prizes are involved.

2. Eligibility:

Participation in this program and tree-planting initiative is open to individuals who visit the Website for testing purposes. Users must be at least 18 years old to engage in any activities on the site.

3. Donation and Prize:

By donating Rs 149 on the Website, participants acknowledge that this is a test contest and not a real prize. No actual money is involved, and the chance to win Rs 1 Cr is simulated for testing purposes only.

4. Green India Initiative:

The tree-planting initiative mentioned on the Website is also a part of the testing phase and does not involve any real tree planting. Users should be aware that this is a dummy initiative created for testing purposes.

5. No Financial Transactions:

Users are advised that no real financial transactions take place on the Website. Any donation made is part of the testing simulation and does not result in actual monetary transactions.

6. Personal Information:

Participants may be required to provide certain personal information for testing purposes. However, all information collected is handled in accordance with the dummy data policy and is not stored or used for any real-world purposes.

7. Accuracy of Information:

The information provided on the Website is for testing purposes only and may not reflect accurate or real-world data. Users are advised to treat all content as simulated and not representative of actual events or circumstances.

8. Third-Party Links:

The Website may contain links to third-party websites for reference or informational purposes. India Go Green is not responsible for the content or accuracy of these external websites.

9. Test Environment:

Users understand and acknowledge that the Website is a simulated environment created for testing and educational purposes only. No actual prizes, donations, or initiatives are involved.

10. Disclaimer:

India Go Green expressly disclaims any liability arising from the use of the Website. The Website is a dummy page for testing, and users should not consider any content on the site as real or applicable to real-world scenarios.
For more information, please visit India Go Green.